contacts - projects - locations
partial List of Latest
001 Artic - greenland glacial engineering - proposed project management from Copenhagen - Denmark
002 Austria- Salzburg/Graz proposed OCGDPf worldHQ site(s)
003 Scotland - Ord Croft Space porting proposed project management and surveying from Kyle of Sutherland
004 Scotland - Borders Rail extension to Hawick
005 Scotland -Glasgow School of Art
006 Italia - Southern Olive farmers - growers
007 France - South West flash flooding - infrastructures & new homes provision
008 Mallorca - Flash flooding - infrastructures & new homes provision
009 USA - California wild fires - new homes provision
010 USA - Florida hurricanes - new homes provision
011 Europe - various locations - migrants temporary accommodations - shelters
012 Central Americas- Cuba -Cuban infrastructures
013 Mexico - Medallin Vera Cruz proposed OCGDPf world Low cost Engineering center of Excellence
014 Caribbean - various islands hurricanes - - infrastructures & new homes provision
015 South Africa - Aquaculture wip